Acquisition of a correct bitch with papers ca. 1500-1800 € (without your knowledge, suitable for breeding - I take time as the basis 1500.00)
ca. 1.500 € |
Admission fee in the dog-club |
ca. 50 €
Training of the dog, socialization, that is puppy play group, young dog course |
ca. 800 € |
Exhibitions (in order to receive the breeding license), at least 3 with at least "very good" about 100 € plus time and fuel costs. |
ca. 100 €
+ Recharge
If you would like to schedule an elite breeding, the bitch needs 2 Championship
that means at least 3 exhibitions per guest V1 Championship (which is the set of supporters, unfortunately, not only done three shows today) or about - tell me I exhibits 20 a 50 € = 1000.00 €
ca. 1.000 € |
X-ray to HD, ED OCD |
ca. 300 € |
Service charge for HD / ED / OCD Evaluation |
ca. 70 € |
Testing for thyroid diseases |
ca. 80 € |
Study other diseases (eg, hemophilia, etc.) |
ca. 50 € |
Heart ultrasound |
ca. 60 € |
Buy homeopathic products for runners,-load-bearing and nursing dogs |
ca. 50 € |
kennel registration |
ca. 30 € |
Breeding entrance examination |
ca. 20 € |
Litter |
Whelping box build |
ca. 150 €
Puppy room / space up |
ca. 200 € |
Fenced outdoor area with puppy play-hut |
ca. 1.200 € |
Construction of a suitable puppy just "playground" in the outdoor enclosure (eg, tunnels, ball pit, etc)
ca. 200 € |
Litter preparation
Search for stud dogs geeigetem (nature, health, optics, genetics, etc..)
Phone calls, hours of Internet sessions, genealogy on diseases
With personal acquaintance of the stud dog. |
Physical examination of the dog by the veterinarian laboratory tests +
(Smear taking, testing blood count,) |
ca. 85 € |
Werbung ( Internetauftritt, Visitenkarten, Kleinanzeigen, Aufkleber, usw ) Advertising (website, business cards, classified ads, stickers, etc) |
ca. 500 € |
Worming and possibly Impfauffrischung |
ca. 60 € |
Herpes vaccine from the start of heat |
ca. 70 € |
Day of the heat every 2 days determining the value of progesterone:
€ 40 each (up to about the 14th day) |
ca. 120 €
Vaginal smear during the heat of pathogenic germs |
ca. 65 € |
Travel expenses to the stud with any accommodation according to the .....
ca. 200 € |
A stud dog stud fee |
ca. 1.500 € |
Wait and hope .... |
X-ray and / or ultrasound if the dog has taken |
ca. 100 € |
Just in case ..... Puppy milk, bottles, umbilical clamps, blankets, towels, disinfectant, gloves, medicine ..... |
ca. 200 € |
Herpes-Impfung 1 Woche vor dem Wurftermin. Herpes vaccine 1 week before the union meeting. |
ca. 70 € |
Birth: |
"Adoption 10 puppies"
Food for the puppies from the 3rd / 4. / . to Year 9 Week: |
ca. 200 € |
Vaccination and worming puppy ever (primary series) 50 €
ca. 500 € |
Chip Cost + EU passport: the puppy € 45
ca. 450 € |
Puppies decrease, studbook registration including Pedigree and travel costs of the prison warden
as a rule entry per dog + mileage allowance |
ca. 100 €
+ 0,30 €/Km
Discussions with interested parties at the puppy-cozy coffee and cake
Go to the house :o)
Puppies "gifts" such as food, collars and "good words"
€ 50 per puppy |
ca. 500 € |
We'd like to think that everything went perfectly ........! |
With more than 12 pups, or complications of the mother dog, many times would be a further cost to be added. |
Total |
ca. 10.580 € |