A bridge connects the heavens and the earth.
Because of the many colors they are called the "rainbow bridge".
On the other hand, there is a land of meadows, hills and lush green grass.
If Earth is a beloved animal has died of, on, then it comes to this place. There is always food and water and the sun shines all the time.
All the old, sick or injured animals are healthy and young again, as in our memories of the dreams of past days ...
All day play and the animals are happy except for one ...
You miss someone, they had to let go of. Its people. The people she had loved so much on earth.
They all run and play every day, until one of them stops and looks into the distance! The eyes are large ...
Suddenly it begins to run from the group, over the green grass, faster and faster!
It has seen you! And if your best friend and meet you, you take him in your arms and hold him tightly.
Your face is kissed again and again ... on your hand stroking her head and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your beloved pet, from your life was gone so long, but never from your heart ...
Then together you cross the Rainbow Bridge and will never be separated again ....
Cora 11/19/2010